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If you notice an issue with phylm or would like to suggest a feature or just have a general question, please raise an issue on GitHub. If it's an issue that needs debugging please make sure to include the version of phylm in the issue description. You can retrieve the version with the following:

pip freeze | grep phylm

Pull Requests

If you would like to contribute to the repo, you would be most welcome. If you're tackling an existing issue please comment on the issue that you'd like to take it on. If it's a new feature/bug, please first raise an issue. If it's a trivial change (typos, documentation etc.) then no need to raise an issue.

Local Development

In order to work on your contribution, you'll need to first fork the repo and then clone it to your local machine:

git clone<your username>/phylm.git
cd phylm

You'll need python 3.8 or 3.9 to run this package. You can follow the instructions here to install and use these versions.

This package uses poetry to manage dependencies. Ensure you have poetry installed, instructions here and run:

poetry install

This will install the dependencies into a .venv virtual environment. You can activate the env with either source .venv/bin/activate or poetry shell.

Next install the pre-commit hooks with:

pre-commit install

Nox is used to run tests, linters, type checkers etc. These are all run in the CI and on git commit but if you'd like to run them manually, you can do so with, eg:

nox --session=tests

This will run the tests for all versions of python.

See here for more information on running nox locally.

If you're making changes that will require updates to the documentation, please do so accordingly. Documentation lives in the docs/ directory and can be served locally with:

mkdocs serve

See here for more information on working with mkdocs.

Once you're ready with your shiny, TDD'd feature, commit, push, and open a pull request and I'll be happy to review. If you're having issues with any of this setup please do let me know and I'll try and help.

Last update: 2023-10-18